Last 28th June 2011,ak br signing off dr kpal yg diberi name MT Eagle Carina...after 7 months onboard,finally i can get home...excitednye Allah je yg tahu...rindu segala-galanyanye..parents,adek,umah..kete...huhu...
diz is my 2nd ship as 4th engineer..tough but kt sne not so nice but wat can i do..??jz be strong enough to be 'there'...
org slalu tnye,'Bile nk kawen'??persoalannye...sape calonnye???calon pon xde,nk kawen ngan sape..ade gak yg ckp..'bile la ko leh kawen??'..sememangnye susah nk jwb..dgn kerjaya di laut..sumenye ke 'lautttt' leh wat ape..rezki sume dah ditetapkan..kite hamba-Nya..harus dah mestilah berSyuKur ke hadrat-Nya...i'm not so good in writing but eden 'torai''s enough for now..till then..;))
MasTuRa LaLa
LaLa The SeaGirl
Friday, July 29, 2011
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
nEw CaReEr...1st Touch@ BuNga KeLaNa 6
Signing on at Lanshan,China on 28th February 2010...NeRvous,Excited,perasaan mixed up..yela,1st ship nk jd engineer..hehe..For the beginning,2 months as training engineer..if got promoted then can proceed as 4th engineer,if not..going down back as senior cadet..uihh,scary to hear tat..
Permulaan kurg baek di airport Quangdao,China..kne tggu agent dr pg smpai ptg..da la sejok gile..dah la luggage hmpir nk kne tggal bcoz of overload mse kt KLIA..ish2,byk tol halangan nk nek kpal ni..2la,brg byk nk wat cne..sume mnde2 tu pntg..bwk jela..;)
pijak je kaki kt ats kpal Bunga Kelana 6 tu..ak cam da dpt rse something..bau2 minyak..haha..1st yg ak tgk..kpal xde lif..aiyakk!!tula..mse cdet mnje sgt..kpal ade lif,ble kpal xde lif mule la rse jatoh xpe..pelan2 kayuh..
naek2 je,salin coverall trun engine room jmpe chief engr n crew2 engine...syukur sgt..sumenye kn mmg byk perbezaan ngan kpal mse cdet..yela,mse cdet kpal br..ble mule kje nek kpal kurg baru..kne redha jela..
1st day kt kpal da kne overhaul pump...perghh,,,da la lme gle kt drt..byk da bengong jap la..seb baek mereka2 byk membantu..mmg best ar dorg sume..frankly speaking,without them...i can't be diz far..thz a lot..(^-^)
baNyak ag nk cte..xpe2..smbg nnt..till then..
Permulaan kurg baek di airport Quangdao,China..kne tggu agent dr pg smpai ptg..da la sejok gile..dah la luggage hmpir nk kne tggal bcoz of overload mse kt KLIA..ish2,byk tol halangan nk nek kpal ni..2la,brg byk nk wat cne..sume mnde2 tu pntg..bwk jela..;)
pijak je kaki kt ats kpal Bunga Kelana 6 tu..ak cam da dpt rse something..bau2 minyak..haha..1st yg ak tgk..kpal xde lif..aiyakk!!tula..mse cdet mnje sgt..kpal ade lif,ble kpal xde lif mule la rse jatoh xpe..pelan2 kayuh..
naek2 je,salin coverall trun engine room jmpe chief engr n crew2 engine...syukur sgt..sumenye kn mmg byk perbezaan ngan kpal mse cdet..yela,mse cdet kpal br..ble mule kje nek kpal kurg baru..kne redha jela..
1st day kt kpal da kne overhaul pump...perghh,,,da la lme gle kt drt..byk da bengong jap la..seb baek mereka2 byk membantu..mmg best ar dorg sume..frankly speaking,without them...i can't be diz far..thz a lot..(^-^)
baNyak ag nk cte..xpe2..smbg nnt..till then..
Thursday, January 7, 2010
NeW yEArRR...!!!!!
evrytime...ble new year je,sume org ckp psl bg ak plak..sume tu x penting sgt..ape yg penting skali bg ak ape yg kte nak utk diri kte..ape gune ade azam baru pon klo dri kte still x penah berubah jd lbey bgos...
diz year..2010..ak still x keje2 lg...emmm,tggu jela kat umah ni..pening gak,sume org tnye2 ble nk sailing...ape lg ak nk ckp??tggu jela...ekonomi kureng sket..kpl pon byk anchor je..nk wat cne??bkn keje ak bab ekonomi2 ni...jz pray for better jela...
I'll start new of me..better than b4..hopefully..hehehe
ak dah nk pindah umah the end of diz month..better house maybe..hrmm..
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------,,,,, bosan dok uma tula,ble da keje nnt tekinje kinje lak nk dok umah..manusia mmg cmtu..x penah satisfied ngan ape yg dorg ade...same ar cam ak...haha..kapal oh kapal...ble ko free ni??cepat ar...kering kontang ak kt umah ni...
diz year..2010..ak still x keje2 lg...emmm,tggu jela kat umah ni..pening gak,sume org tnye2 ble nk sailing...ape lg ak nk ckp??tggu jela...ekonomi kureng sket..kpl pon byk anchor je..nk wat cne??bkn keje ak bab ekonomi2 ni...jz pray for better jela...
I'll start new of me..better than b4..hopefully..hehehe
ak dah nk pindah umah the end of diz month..better house maybe..hrmm..
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------,,,,, bosan dok uma tula,ble da keje nnt tekinje kinje lak nk dok umah..manusia mmg cmtu..x penah satisfied ngan ape yg dorg ade...same ar cam ak...haha..kapal oh kapal...ble ko free ni??cepat ar...kering kontang ak kt umah ni...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
The End of 2009
Once we talk about time....masa pantas sgt berlalu..dan yg plg penting,masa x bley patah blk...bila menyusuri semula thn 2009,mmg byk memori yg xleh nk lupa..
Permulaan thn 2009 mmg bez..for the 1st time,gi holiday kat Langkawi..haha..klaka pon ade gak klo pk2 blk..yela,ak ni asal dr utara,tp masa umor 21 thn br leh pi xpe..janji ak da pi dah..;)
diteroskan lg pengajian di ALAM...sem 5 mmg sem plg bez bg ak..mau x nye,ak dpt gpa 3.54...fight with all boys yg ade kt alam tu mmg best ar..dorg pon leh klh ngan result cam trlambat sket ak improve...xpe2..yg pntg ak da usaha sehabis baek...well done Mas!!!

Banyak jgk yg x bez jd dlm thn sume tu x perlu dikenang coz memori menggradkan diri dr ALAM dpt buang sume memori pahit ak...
"ALAM lahir pelatih wanita"...gile x suke beb..masok paper x ramai yg perasan of course...melainkan family ak..haha..parents ak bli sume paper mse tu..yg xpenah bce pon bli gak..hahaha...mmg xleh lupe ar...;)
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------,,,,,sekarang....ak dok mkn tido je kt umah ni ha..nga tggu nk nek kpal yg xtau lg bile nye...tggu jela nk wat cne kn..nk gi keje part time??abah x kasi..die ckp,,,"Dok umah jela kak,kang ko da nek kpl lame plak,da xde mse nk dok umah lak"...ak pon ape lg...amek ar kesempatan itu sepenuhnye...yeehaa...
Azam tahun 2010??????????still thinking...hrmmm
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
the difference of ALAM
A lot of people out there still do noe tat ALAM got 2 campus...
now i'll tell u all...
xtually in Melaka...we call it as main campus..meanwhile in tganu is branch campus..
In Melaka cmpus...jz for nautical studies stdents...then in Batu Rakit,Tganu cmpus for marine engineering stdnt...
haa...explanation in English tu beb...cayalah mas!!!haha...
tu jela nk bgtau...yela sume org kt luar tu x tau..bile ckp psl ALAM..for sure dowg ckp kt mlake..dowg x sedau tntg wujudnye ALAM di tganu...
One more thing...ALAM ni kn Akademi Laut Malaysia...bukannye NAVY..
kami ni sume pelaut..bkn tentera pown ramai yg misunderstanding...
now i'll tell u all...
xtually in Melaka...we call it as main campus..meanwhile in tganu is branch campus..
In Melaka cmpus...jz for nautical studies stdents...then in Batu Rakit,Tganu cmpus for marine engineering stdnt...
haa...explanation in English tu beb...cayalah mas!!!haha...
tu jela nk bgtau...yela sume org kt luar tu x tau..bile ckp psl ALAM..for sure dowg ckp kt mlake..dowg x sedau tntg wujudnye ALAM di tganu...
One more thing...ALAM ni kn Akademi Laut Malaysia...bukannye NAVY..
kami ni sume pelaut..bkn tentera pown ramai yg misunderstanding...
Akademi Laut Malaysia
Akademi Laut Malaysia: "We create careers of distinction and honour.
Through our disciplined and regimented professional education system, we encourage our students to learn, lead, strategise and adapt. The curriculum provided leads towards a reputable career for the students in the maritime industry. With an accredited curriculum benchmarked against MET leaders, and a professional education system, our education philosophy will evaluate our students based on campus, training ship and industry exposure work. ALAM graduates continue to be top performers in their respective fields both at sea and ashore, and are revered as professionals and focused individuals who lead with pride and honour."
Through our disciplined and regimented professional education system, we encourage our students to learn, lead, strategise and adapt. The curriculum provided leads towards a reputable career for the students in the maritime industry. With an accredited curriculum benchmarked against MET leaders, and a professional education system, our education philosophy will evaluate our students based on campus, training ship and industry exposure work. ALAM graduates continue to be top performers in their respective fields both at sea and ashore, and are revered as professionals and focused individuals who lead with pride and honour."
Wanita Penakluk Samudera
cam bez je nme tu kn??'penakluk samudera'..mmg xleh 1st batch perempuan di akademi laut malaysia bkn mnde mudah expect tggi dr pendapat org ramai sbg perempuan x sesuai keje kt laut..maybe betul...ak stuju gak..
tapi.......kte kne pndg dr sudut laen gak..stp mnde ade baek dan buruknye..kami keje kt laut bkn nk bersaing or nk amek keje lelaki..sume tu lumrah alam..rezki kami kt sni..ape yg kami kne wat adalah wat yg terbaek dan semampu boleh...
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